Health & Safety in the Office

First Aid Course Aberdeen, First Aid Training Aberdeenshire

First Aid in the office:

Every work environment presents us with there own unique set of problems some bigger then others and some more serious then others but they can still harm people so Tillycroy set out to make sure everyone knew the correct ways of Health & Safety in the Office and office conduct and hoping everyone has a good time learning. Problems in the office could range from a tiny scratch or to someone tripping over and hitting there head on a desk there are and endless number of possibilities that could happen and our job is to prepare you for the most likely.

What our course offers

Here at Tillycroy Services we offer two in the workplace courses one in an emergency and one just covering general first aid. both cover a diverse range of topics that will help you save someone from death or discomfort and the other course covers more serious cases.

The course dealing with first aid at work:

This Health & Safety in the Office course covers the most range of topics that could help you in all sorts of problems. This course teaches you: roles & responsibilities, dealing with collapse (with and without breathing), choking, bleeding, shock, seizures, minor workplace incidents, major illnesses, common and serious workplace injuries, poisoning, anaphylactic shock, burns treatment, eye injuries, and using first aid kit. This will allow you to help anyone with any problem that they have allowing them to continue working or living

The second course covers a smaller range of topics but handles everyone with more detail allowing you to specialize in them so that if there is ever an emergency you can assist them, these topics include: roles & responsibilities, dealing with collapse (with and without breathing), choking, bleeding, shock, seizures, minor workplace incidents, and using a first aid kit.

Why we do what we do:

We believe that the workplace should be a place where everyone feels safe and like someone’s got there back a community so that is why no one should have to feel unsafe or that no one will be there for you we all have our internal struggles but lets all be there for each other so lets build a strong community together.

If you have any questions then feel free to use our contact page and we will happily answer any questions you have.

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